am nearing the end of my travels in Central America but in the mean time I still
have to tell you about my time in Guatemala, before heading onto Belize and
my previous mails have been quite short unfortunately this one got rather long,
you have been warned.
suffered horrendously during its civil war. But those who suffered most were the
Mayans, accounting for the majority of those murdered, they were also forced to
move from traditional lands and give up traditional beliefs. All this during
what was supposedly a political war against a non-political entity. What makes
it even more disturbing is that the government and its associates committed the
majority of this genocide. The remarkable thing is that there are no apparent
physical reminders around although the psychological scars must be quite deep.
It is something that was never even brought up in conversation despite the fact
that the war ended only six years ago. Perhaps it is still to fresh in peoples
minds, after all many of those who orchestrated the atrocities are now in
powerful positions within the government and corruption and other problems are
theme of being in Guatemala has been the constant changing of buses to reach any
destination. On my first day in the country it required seven buses and a boat
to get to Monterrico where I was going. The reason for going to Monterrico was
to try and see the elusive nesting turtles I had attempted to see elsewhere as
this is supposed to be a favourite site for both Olive Ridleys and the enormous
Leatherbacks, depending on the time of year. My lack of luck prevailed and the
only grown turtles I was to see were in the nature reserve.
was another reason for being there and that was to participate in what the
reserve does to raise its profile and finances. This is a race held every
Saturday in season when just hatched turtles are purchased and then everyone
lines them up for a race into the surf, the owner of the first to cross a line
in the sand being the winner. It is quite a bizarre thing to do, but was all
good fun and it was interesting to see such a tiny turtle at such close range
and feel the power in its little flippers as it struggled for freedom. My turtle
came about fourth out of about fifty, which was pretty good considering. A
couple of the stragglers had to be helped into the surf and when a wave came
several of them were dumped back on the beach, probably even more traumatised
than they had previously been. They were then assisted back into the surf again
hopefully to mature into big strong turtles. Apparently turtles hatched in
Monterrico and tagged have been found in the Galapagos, which is a bloody long
way, must be good swimmers then.
route to my next stop one of the bus drivers decided took a dislike to us so
after ten minutes kicked, an English couple and a German couple I was with and
myself, off the bus for no apparent reason. We were told to wait at the roadside
for the next one, which would be along imminently. A couple of minutes later a
police car pulled up to find out what we were doing there. I told him the story
and he asked me if we were Americans. I explained that three of us were English
and two were German. He repeated the question a couple more times and I gave him
the same reply. Once he was convinced he said so "none of you is an
American dog then". Obviously not the biggest fan of his northern
neighbours. He then gave us a lift back to Taxisco where we had previously got
on the abortive bus journey after having explained that this was bandit country
and not a good spot to be standing by the side of the road. It makes one wonder
what he would have done if we had been Americans and whether that was why we got
kicked off the bus in the first place.
next stop was Santa Lucia Cotzumalguapa, near to which are some important and
interesting Pre-Mayan sites. The people in the town rarely see tourists which
made them much more helpful and friendly. When I was looking for the museum I
was "assisted" by many people, may of whom had absolutely no idea
where it was. At one point as I was passing the Military Zone I asked a guy who
was just out for a jog if he knew where it was, the only museum he knew of
though was in a town some way away. I told him that there definitely was one
nearby so he went to enquire with some soldiers, he came back with another guy
who was also in civilian dress and was speaking good English and told me they
did know of one nearby and asked where I was from. I told him from England and
he was delighted as he told me he had spent some time at the Royal Staff
Training College in London a couple of years ago. When I told him that I was
from London he was even more impressed. He called over a young soldier whom he
said would my guide finding the museum. I asked him what he did and what rank he
was. He told me he was the Commandant of the military zone here and he was a
Colonel, his colleague was a major and he was very happy to be of help, gave me
a firm handshake and received a very crisp salute from the private he had called
over to be a guide, before he headed off for his morning jog. The private
marched formally, with his eyes front and chin up for the first few hundred
metres, but when we were out of sight of the military post relaxed and became
quite talkative. When we reached the museum and found it closed he went to find
the curator at his home who he then escorted back to open up the museum. I
thanked him for his help and greatly appreciated the benefits of a military
escort, something less likely to happen in a town that has many tourists.
curator was very informative and explained all the pieces and discussed the
relevant theories about much of the stuff. Some of the items had extremely
impressive, intricate carvings with depictions of anamorphic people, sorcerers,
kings, ball players, animals etc. Other things were thought to be domestic
implements or stands for idols and the like. A number of pieces of pre-Columbian
ceramics had also been found, some of which were quite attractive. I asked the
curator if he had many tourists coming through. He said that once a week or so
the cruise ships that docked in Puerto Quetzal would bring along a busload of
either American, German or French tourists who would have half an hour to
quickly look around before leaving. When he checked his register he found that
it was nearly a year since the last independent traveller went to the museum.
Considering that the museum is one of the main reasons to go to Santa Lucia, so
one would resume most foreign visitors would go to it, it would explain why the
locals were so interested to see a foreigner.
there I went to a nearby site where several large petroglyphs (carved stones)
were. These stones are in the middle of a sugar cane field and despite looking
around for a while and following directions I had to find them I was clueless as
to where they were. One of the pieces is supposedly eighty tonnes in weight,
which I thought should be easy enough to spot, but no. When a family who were
scavenging from waste piles came along I asked them if hey knew where the
petroglyphs were. They had a vague idea and over the next forty-five minutes the
ma went off with his machete hacking through the can before he finally found the
first piece, by which time a couple more locals had assisted him. The petroglyph
was about forty metres from the path through the thickly growing sugar cane, in
a clearing that had just been made by my newfound friends. The carving on the
stone showed a sorcerer, who was assisting a ball player, who was in turn
supplicating himself before a king, a very impressive piece of two thousand year
old art. The original guy left at this stage and one of the new guys told me he
knew where another petroglyph was. This one was much easier to find as it was
just next to the path, it had different anamorphic characters on it and was not
as large as the previous one. As I was heading back to Santa Lucia I passed a
stationers so decided to get some paper and wax crayons to do some rubbings of
the various petroglyphs in order to more accurately show what they looked like
than a photo and also because it became easier to see what exactly was there.
The next day I went to another site that is actually in the middle of a factory,
the pieces there were also impressive but the way in which they had been
organised did not do them justice. The last couple of petroglyphs were to be
found atop a small hill in the middle of another cane field. The people in the
area make offerings to this deity in a hybrid of Catholicism and Mayan worship.
Before taking rubbings of this piece I asked the locals, who were taking a break
from working just next to it, if it was okay who said it was fine and found it
very interesting to watch the image slowly appear on the paper. The taxi driver
who had taken me warned me that the locals would probably cut my head off, as
they were not good people around here. What actually happened was that I was
invited to join them for beer and drinks but unfortunately didn't have the time.
The guy had just made up this bullshit to try and get more money for going this
way. Next to this petroglyph is a half buried big stone head with its eyes and
nose just above the ground, which was interesting to see. From Santa Lucia I
then went to La Democracia where there are a number of massive Olmec statues
carved into big round rocks the figures look like slightly depressed Weebles, or
Buddhas, arranged around the main square.
from there I went to Antigua, which was a former seat of Guatemalan government.
The town is very colonial in style, with cobblestone streets and interesting
facades on the buildings. There are several ruined churches around and some
impressive intact ones. This is a major tourist hub and is a very popular place
for people to learn Spanish. Although my Spanish is still in great need of
refinement I did not have the time or inclination to stop and learn more there.
I decided that apart from having a look around town, which didn't take too long
that I wanted to climb the nearby Pacaya Volcano, as I was led to believe I
would almost definitely see lava. After an abortive attempt to climb it one
night, due to the bus arriving an hour and a half late, I did make it up the
following night. The terrain near the top looked quite Martian and steam was
seeping out of fissures all over the place. There was no bloody lava to see
though and apparently there often isn't, due to the constantly gushing
sulphurous steam that obscures ones view. I've decided that all the people who
arrange volcano tours are lying bastards as the last few I have visited I have
expected to see lava and have been very disappointed.
I was in Antigua I had my jacket stolen whilst it was on a hook when I was
playing pool, which was annoying as I was entering cooler climes. The process
involved in getting the police to investigate and then do a report was quite
amusing and not too difficult, although it was quite slow. The guy who finally
typed up the report on his old typewriter in octuplicet (eight copies, which
means that including carbons he was typing on fifteen sheets at a time) was
quite amusing and after we were done with the report asked me where he could get
a padlock like the ones I have on my day-bag as the padlock he has on his locker
(which he pointed to in the corner of the office) was not half as nice and he
could do with a nice lock like mine as there were too many thieves around.
Considering that his office is within the police station I found it quite
amusing and told him that if I come back to Antigua I will bring him one from
England but in the meantime I need the ones I have myself.
next stop was to visit Lake Atitlan, an attractive crater lake at fifteen
hundred metres above sea level. With volcanoes around it climbing to in excess
of three and a half thousand metres. The shape of the crater can still be
clearly seen in parts despite the fact that the lake is forty kilometres across
at its widest point. One of the reasons I went there was to do some diving in
the lake, but the dive centre was never open. If they couldn’t be bothered to
turn up I couldn’t be bothered to dive with them.
this area the indigenous men and women wear their traditional clothing. Although
the women around Guatemala can often be seen wearing their traditional apparel
it is less frequent that one sees the men wearing theirs as it is cheaper and
more practical to use modern clothing. The different villages and areas all have
different styles of materials used in their dress and the embroidery.
Panajachel on the lake side I spotted John, one of the yanks that made me watch
the baseball, when I was in Honduras. The following day we went to
Chichistenango where there is a big market on Sundays. The products on sale were
generally very colourful and some were quite bizarre. One that springs to mind
as being particularly odd were the carvings of giraffes considering that they
are an animal that does not exist in the Americas except in zoos. This makes it
difficult to understand why there are Mayan style carvings of them. My theory is
that someone got a cheap batch from Africa and decided to repaint them and tell
people they were Llamas with long necks. Some of the materials and clothing on
offer were quite interesting but not really the sort of thing I wear. One
interesting shop was down a little side street out of town, the proprietor is
obviously a collector considering the range of articles on display. Some of
which he insists are ancient Mayan artefacts whereas others he says are recent
copies. Amongst this stuff are intricately carved jade, ancient axe-heads and
obsidian blades. Some of which I am sure were authentic, the problem being it
would take someone more expert than myself to distinguish which were which.
wandering around the market for some time we headed to the top of a hill where
Pascual Abaj lives. He is a Mayan deity that the locals give offerings to and
burn incense for. The rock carved with his face is not too easy to recognise
unless you were informed. In the churches in Chichistenango the local Mayans
make offerings that are both catholic and pagan at the same time. As we headed
back to Panajachel the views across the lake were very lovely as the sun set
behind the volcanoes.
on the lake I visited the villages of San Pedro and Santiago Atitlan. The former
was not particularly interesting except for the views across the lake from a
different perspective. In Santiago Atitlan, I visited the shrine of Maximon a
Mayan god that is asked for protection and assistance in just about anything
needed. As the Mayans have assimilated much of their old beliefs with
Christianity there is a Jesus figure in a glass sarcophagus in the same room as
Maximon. Maximon himself is a wooden figure that wears a hat, a lot of scarves
and enjoys a drink and a smoke. A form of offering is to give him a cigarette or
cigar to smoke, which he does happily with an assistant who will occasionally
tip his ash into an ashtray. He can also be given spirits to drink, which he
urinates out immediately. There is pungent incense smoking around him constantly
and fairy lights blinking. All this whilst Christmas carols are played in the
background. It makes for a quite interesting viewing experience.
I was getting a boat across the lake from Santiago Atitlan I was sat next to
Maxe who was proud to tell me he was seventy-four years old and in good health.
By his attire I could tell he was from Solola, just a few kilometres from
Panajachel, which he confirmed. When I asked him why he had been to Santiago, he
told me it was because he had to ask Maximon for some assistance. As usual he
had asked for protection for himself but his main reason for going was to help
his brother who apparently was suffering from impotence recently. He told me
that he had asked Maximon to give his brother something long and hard to satisfy
his wife with. Not convinced that it wasn’t for Maxe himself I asked him if it
was really he that had the problems. He assured me it wasn’t and when later in
our conversation he mentioned he had a small family, only fourteen children
(three of whom have died) I chose to believe him. At points in the conversation
he would make references to God and Jesus just like any good Christian might,
for the Mayan there is no conflict in worshipping their pantheon and the
Christian saints, Jesus and God. Often they are assimilated and Maximon is
sometimes called either San Simon or Judas. It all gets quite confusing.
next stop from Atitlan was Quetzaltenango, also know as Xela (pronounced
Shay’lah). The only interesting things there, was the Parque Central and
Museum. The Parque Central is surrounded by attractive colonial architecture
including an attractive Cathedral. The museum is a strange place with some
peculiar exhibits. These range from Mayan artefacts through to modern office
equipment. There is a section dedicated to sports trophies and another with
stuffed animals, some of which are quite deformed and most of which seemed to
have been stuffed by a blind taxidermist. One of the most peculiar exhibits was
a photocopier from the 1960’s. Why this should be in the museum is an enigma,
particularly when in a number of places I have seen printing presses from the
1920’s still in commercial use, which are more museum pieces than the piece in
the museum.
was essentially a stopping point on my way to Retalhuleu, also known as Reu
(pronounced Ray’Oo). On my arrival I visited the museum that had a limited
range of pre-Columbian artefacts nicely displayed. After I left the museum I saw
a funeral procession that was not particularly interesting in itself, except
that it was led by a rickshaw with funereal music being played. He rickshaw was
normally used to advertise a local pharmacist as one could tell from the signs
it was covered with. Several links could be made between the pharmacist and the
funeral, none of which are probably true. Who knows though maybe it was the
pharmacist who died, or one of his favourite customers, perhaps the pharmacist
gave the wrong medication that killed him or maybe it is just to remind the
bereaved that if they need some anti-depressants they know where to go.
hotel where I was staying was quite basic but I had a private bathroom, which
was something. The only problem was that the toilet cistern did not stop filling
as the ball cock was broken. What this meant was when I wanted to use the water
I had to turn on the stopcock outside my room and turn it off again when I was
done. When I woke at about two-thirty in the morning to go to the toilet, I
found the water flowing as soon as I put the bathroom light on, without me doing
anything. When I had finished my ablutions I went into the corridor to turn off
the stopcock I saw the manager stood there in the dark with a torch waiting to
turn it off himself. I still wonder whether he was stood outside all night
waiting for when I might use the facilities in order that he could turn the
water on and off as was required.
reason for my visiting Reu was to see the Mayan site of Abaj Tekalik (the second
word sounds like Take-a-leak) which is a complex dating back to the pre-classic
period 1000 BCE – 300 CE. Some interesting stele, structures, thrones,
artefacts and statues have been found and there are still archaeologists busy
excavating and restoring. It is thought that this was a particularly important
city-state in its time, dominating much of the area. Just a short way up the
road is the San Isidro farm where the owners have also discovered a number of
ancient artefacts, which are arranged around the front entranceway to the house.
It is a bit strange to see pre-Columbian artefacts being used as garden
ornaments. In Guatemala it would seem that these historical treasures can remain
private property, it is just that they cannot leave the country legally. In many
first world countries they would be taken as state treasures and put in a museum
or the land where they were discovered requisitioned by the government. I can
see the pros and cons of both approaches, but I think I prefer the system that
exists in places like Europe as at least then the artefacts are properly cared
for and catalogued. The problem being that in somewhere like Guatemala if the
locals cannot keep what they find they would most likely sell it on the black
market as donate it to a museum.
seeing the historical sights of Reu, I decided to see the cultural sights of
Momostenango. Momostenango is an important Mayan centre where many priests go to
be educated in the traditional ways. When I got there though the place was very
quiet and there was little to see so I headed off to Todos Santos. Todos Santos
has interesting market days when all the people from the surrounding area
converge to sell their wares. The men in the area wear red trousers with fine
white lines and white shirts with fine coloured vertical lines with colourful
and ornately embroidered collars and cuffs. The women wear black skirts with
dark blue lines and colourful blouses. As a result the market is a very
colourful, picturesque place and it was interesting to hear the women selling
some of their products to a co-operative and how much money they expected for a
considerable amount of work. One woman who had spent eight days making a
shoulder bag wanted one hundred and ten Quetzals for it (less than ten pounds or
fifteen dollars). An amount she was not going to receive, gauging by the way the
negotiations were going. The Todos Santeros are a Mam speaking people, which has
a quite special tone to it, like some of the native North American languages. As
it was very cold in Todos Santos and there not being much to do if it isn’t
market day I didn’t spend long there but headed back to Antigua to take it
easy for a day before heading over to Livingston on the Caribbean coast for
Garifuna day.
Garifuna are the descendants of former slaves that tried to rebel against there
British masters and so were taken to the island of Roatan (now in Honduras) and
dumped there as a punishment. These people then populated much of the Caribbean
coast of Central America, speaking a peculiar language that has two words for
most things, one used only by women and another used by men. In my opinion this
is the second strangest language I have yet come across coming second only to
the Kuna language of the San Blas islands in Panama where the case changes
depending on whether the speaker is standing, sitting or lying down. I made a
particular effort to get to Livingston for Garifuna day, because not only was
this a well known annual celebration, but also the two hundredth anniversary of
the arrival of the Garifuna in Guatemala so promised to be good for a party. On
the evening of my arrival there was music being played loudly from all the bars
and restaurants, but I doubt this is anything unusual. After a while we (myself
and the folk I had met en route) stumbled across some live performances of Punta
music in the local sports hall. The music is very primal mostly consisting of
rhythm and limited melody, with occasional singing. The dancing is equally
primal with the women shaking their arses and being generally suggestive, whilst
the men merely vibrate a bit in front of them. The whole thing is very obviously
African in origin, with no real Latin influence. Later that evening we found
another party going on at the cultural centre on the hill, where the music
seemed more impromptu and a little more rhythmic as it had women singing along,
it is a particularly percussion led music though.
day the festivities were in the streets with sports events taking place and
locals forming bands and wandering about playing their music and picking up
white women. In Ubafu, a bar that we had been in a bit the previous evening
there was a large band playing live music and from time to time one of the bands
that was wandering the streets would wander in and they would play together for
a few minutes until it reached crescendo and then part again. As evening
approached and the festivities promised to escalate the weather turned against
us, with torrential tropical downpours much of the atmosphere and partying was
washed away. There were a couple of isolated pockets of partying going on, but
it was mostly the tourists that kept going as most of the locals appeared to
have given up and gone home. At one point to try and get the partying back on
track several of us were going to buy a Barnie the dinosaur piñata (paper mache
figure meant to be broken by children at parties) and take it to the cultural
centre and lynch it en masse, but it was too expensive.
with the Garifuna thing I got a boat along the Rio Dulce, which was interesting
and attractive despite the still overcast weather, to the town of the same name
where I got a bus to the northern city of Flores. En route the bus had a big
blow out (just five minutes after Frank, an Irish bloke who had been my
travelling companion for the past few days, had disembarked. The luck of the
Irish). After a couple of hours watching the driver and his ayudante (assistant)
wrestling with the torn tyre another bus took us all on to Flores only a couple
of hours late.
reason most people come to Flores is as a base from which to visit the ancient
Mayan city of Tikal. I tried to visit some other sites as well but the prices
were prohibitively expensive as they are not so popular and have poor transport
connections. So after attempting to find a way of getting to some of these
places for an affordable price I gave up and decided I could settle with just
going to Tikal. I was thinking of spending the night in Tikal hiding away in a
temple where I could sleep overnight without discovery so that I would be able
to see the sunset and beat all the tourists arriving. I aborted this plan as the
weather recently has been pretty awful and there have been rapes and murders
taking place within the park, which don't sound very nice. So, I got up
ridiculously early to catch the first bus at five in the morning to the site.
Arriving at seven a little after sunrise there was still some morning mist
hanging in the air. The Star Wars fans amongst you would recognise Tikal as it
was in the film as the rebel base from where the rebel fighters fly off to blow
up the Deathstar. The most dangerous thing I saw there though was the spider
monkeys which being quite territorial throw sticks and fruit at anyone they
don't want in their area. This is only really in the outlying areas of the park
and I found it quite amusing as they were not very good shots but were funny to
watch as they got all excited.
site is mostly dated to the Mayan classic period although some of it is
pre-classic. There are six major temples some of which are over forty metres
tall and where numerous interesting artefacts were discovered including jade
masks, ceramics, jewellery and carved human bones amongst other interesting
stuff. Many of these are on show in the on-site museum. There are also numerous
steles around the site some of which have some excellent carvings. Although what
is now on show is a mix of time periods many bits have a similar style and there
are often large faces to be found staring out of temple walls and other
structures if you have the patience to look. Some of the steles had god carvings
on and I couldn't help myself take a rubbing of one of them. Whilst I was doing
so a German guy came over to watch and take photos of me at work and asked me
what I was up to, then a Spanish speaking tour group came past and their guide
explained what I was up to and explained points of interest on the petroglyph in
reference to where they were on the paper on which I was doing the rubbing and
several more people took photos. Then the spider monkeys turned up ad obviously
didn't approve so started throwing things at me, where there is art there is
always a critic.
Temple of the Inscriptions at Tikal is one of the forgotten wonders of the world
as it has the mo Mayan hieroglyphics than anywhere else, carved into the sides
of the roof. There was not as much interesting carving as at some of the other
Mayan sites I have visited although the scale of the various structures is very
impressive. The museum has a limited display, but does have a couple of great
stele one of which has some very clear hieroglyphics which I took some rubbings
of whilst the guard wasn't looking. I found an interesting site with lots of
photos of Tikal at http://mayaruins.com/tikal.html for
anyone who is interested.
of the interesting aspects of the Maya is the names of the names of their
rulers. These include Eighteen Rabbit, Great Jaguar Paw, Zero Bird, Stormy Sky,
Animal Skull, Dark Sun and Nose Curl. It does beg the question as to what
inspired these names in some cases and it is no wonder then that the names
across Guatemala are often quite peculiar give the way things started out.
names if places in Guatemala are quite interesting and generally have much more
variety than in other Latin American countries that have the same sort of
Spanish names generally. The only problem is that they can be a pain to
pronounce or remember, thankfully there is often an abbreviated commonly used
alternative as otherwise buses would take a lot longer to find customers as the
ayudantes who lean out the doors calling the names would probably suffer some
injury if they were to try to repeat the full names at the speeds they do with
the abbreviations.
on the subject of buses I feel that the Central American buses deserve a little
mention. The “Chicken Buses” as they are euphemistically known are all
retired North American school buses. These are a bizarre design from the outset,
being extremely high up (presumably in order to make disabled access more
difficult) and with a massive overhang on the back so that those sitting
anywhere at the rear of the bus are hurtled skywards if the bus goes over any
bump thicker than the average paperclip. The design is in my opinion somewhat
eccentric to begin with. When they are resurrected as passenger buses in Central
America they have much benches placed so close together that only an amputee can
sit in them comfortably. Somehow the locals do manage to at least appear
comfortable, perhaps it is just resignation. I have found that as I have to sit
with my leg so far apart to be able in them that with a little more practice I
would almost certainly be able to do the splits. I have found however that it is
usually more comfortable to stand, especially when the buses are getting full as
the number of people they squeeze to a row would frighten the average
contortionist (the record I have thus far witnessed is eleven, in less space
than would normally given to four American school children).
their Asian counterparts I have not yet actually seen or been attacked by
chickens on the buses. I have been accosted by all types of performers and
salesperson. When the bus pauses in certain places, what was previously presumed
to have been a bus filled to capacity will then take on the sales folk. These
people are selling anything from tortillas, tacos, peanuts, doughnuts, ice
creams, drinks, toys, medications, nail clippers, colouring books or a thousand
other things and somehow fifteen or more of these vultures will move up and down
the bus screaming in your ear what it is they are selling in case you didn’t
work it out when they rammed it in your face. From time to time I would still be
amazed at the crap on sale and even more so at the fact that people bought it.
The more entertaining though are the ones who have a much bigger pitch and they
can be telling you all about the wonder that are nail clippers for ten minutes
as the bus bounces along. My all time favourites though for entertainment are
the evangelists and clowns who in my opinion in this case fall in to the same
category. The evangelists give really good hellfire and damnation speeches,
particularly paying attention to which celebrities are then devils pawns
(Michael Jackson, Eminem and Ketchup are a recurring theme). This includes
reciting song lyrics that have a hidden satanic meaning (which disturbed me that
they would repeat them so blatantly). Pokemon is also allegedly a children’s
television program broadcast by the devil, so all be warned. The clowns are
similar except with fewer mentions of Satan and his works and with a bit more of
a song and dance routine. They are quite amusing as they do their performance at
the front of a crowded bus. When watching one who had interrupted me chatting up
a local girl sat next to me, she asked me whether I understood all he was
saying, I admitted I only understood a little. I asked her whether she
understood it all. She said she could only understand a little too as he was
speaking too quickly. That made me feel better at least as I had felt my Spanish
was improving until that garishly painted scrounger had turned up.
seamless segue leads me on to the subject of Bum. Not the fact that ones arse
can generally feel rather roughly used by the time one arrives anywhere on a
chicken bus or to call the performers and sales folk bums but the sweet bum
available all over Guatemala. Being an excellent name for a confectionery item I
had to try some and have since become a little addicted to the instantaneous
sugar rush from these little sweet sticks that can be bought in banana, grape,
berry or fruit flavours. The Guatemaltecos obviously have a bit of a sweet tooth
as they have some of the finest pastry shops I have seen. It is quite impressive
in a developing country that even in a small town or village one can get hold of
some excellent cakes and pastries, it may not be that healthy but it beats the
boring maize tortillas every time.
time in Guatemala is almost at an end now and tomorrow I get up ridiculously
early again in order to get a bus to Belize where I hope to do some world class
now if you actually read through all this I am sure you will pleased to hear I
also think I have waffled on for long enough too. Don’t worry the next ones
should be short again.